Please note: English translation is still under construction. We're sorry about this inconvinience.


The literal translation from Greek is "yellow plates". These are yellowish or red, sharply defined deposits of fat or fatty substances in the skin, especially in the area of the eyelids. Treatment is possible.

Example: picture of a person with xanthelasma

Beispiel xanthelasmen vor der Behandlung

Man unterscheidet dabei zwei Formen:

  1. flaches Xanthelasma (Xanthelasma planum)
  2. erhabenes Xanthelasma (Xanthelasma tub)

Beide sind harmlos, aber stören den Frau oder Mann ästhetisch  Es handelt sich nicht um Krebs und die gelben Knötchen unter dem Augenlid sind nicht ansteckend.


To so far there is no concrete evidence for the occurrence of xanthelasma and a disturbed fat metabolism. However, these often occur when something is wrong with the lipid metabolism. Fat in the form of cells that cannot be processed is deposited in the skin. This is called xanthoma.

A special form of these xanthomas are the xanthelasmas as deposits of lipids in the skin of the eyelids.

The blood lipid values can be normal or elevated. These deposits can also be inherited - this is especially true for xanthelasma on the eyelids or as accompanying symptoms of other diseases.

These include liver diseases (liver cirrhosis, fatty liver), pancreatitis, diabetes and excessive alcohol consumption.

They may also indicate an increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to cholesterol deposits in the vascular walls.

However, people of normal weight may also suffer from xanthoma or xanthelasma.

Xanthomas should not be confused with lipomas. These are benign tumours in the subcutaneous fat tissue.


You should leave the treatment to a specialist and not try to remove Xanthelasma yourself. Treatment with home remedies will not be recommended in most cases.

In any case, your doctor should investigate the causes rather than just look for a cosmetic result.

First the blood lipid values have to be checked. If these are increased, conservative measures are first taken to lower these values.

While the xanthomas slowly recede, the xanthelasma remains and must be removed if you find it disturbing.

This is then lasered or performed surgically.

The following medical methods are available:

  • Surgical excision ("cutting out")
  • Electrocauterisation
  • C02 laser, erbium laser ablation cryosurgery
  • Argon-, dye-, KTP-laser
  • Trichloroacetic acid treatment

While the success of the laser treatment varies depending on the device used, another option is to scratch the skin and express the yellowish deposit.

Therefore, it makes sense to perform a surgical excision if an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is performed at the same time.

As the xanthelasmas tend to appear with increasing age and disturb the patients due to their tired appearance, it is obvious to solve two problems in one go and then look fresh and recovered again.


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Risk and sideeffects

The risks associated with this indication depend on the choice of method, such as laser or cutting, etc. If the xanthelasmas are surgically removed, recurrences occur in 40% of cases, i.e. a recurrence of the findings. However, only after years.


The small yellow nodules under the eyelids are not beautiful to look at for many patients and one wishes for an aesthetic and cosmetic solution. The doctor should clarify medical causes beforehand. Therefore you should refrain from household remedies such as ointments for the time being.