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Snorelift - Against snoring

Those who want to treat snoring should get familiar with the methods of Snorelift - Ronchopathy - Sleep Cosmetics. To heal snoring it depends on the individual case. Dr. Sawatzki has a specialist training in ENT with additional qualification in plastic surgery, as well as many years of experience in nose corrections.

Depending on the studies, 30 million people in Germany are affected, 60-80% of all men over 50 years of age snore. A side effect can be a restless sleep, with the consequence the next morning unslept and tired to look.

A distinction is made between two types.

  • habitual snoring
  • anatomical snoring

Since breathing normally works through the nose, changes in this airway, such as septal deviation (see there) or hyperplastic nasal concha (see there) can lead to pure oral breathing.

Typical reasons

During sleep, the soft palate is flaccid and then flutters in the breath, producing the typical snoring sound. Men are more affected than women because the structures mentioned are larger.

The snoring can be so loudly expressed that the person concerned wakes up from it. If breathing stops and the oxygen supply is interrupted, this is called sleep apnea. This is caused by obstructions of the normal airway caused by "obstructive sleep apnea syndrome" (OSAS).

The so-called collateral damage of snoring usually affects fellow bedmates, who are not robbed of their healthy sleep without earplugs.

In the past, various surgical cutting or coagulating procedures using laser or coblation have been used to find a solution.

The disadvantage of these methods is that the results obtained are not reversible. This means that they cannot be undoed, as Dr. Sawatzki knows from his own experience.

If the cause lies in the dental field, masks and splints are often used to help those affected. The method is not always reliable.

New method: Snorelift

A new conservative method was developed in Hamburg: The Snorelift. Similar to the thread lift, threads are placed in the soft palate and the suppository, which pull them up like a venetian blind and anchor them thanks to the small re-hooks.

As a rule (80%), success is achieved after just one or two days.

The advantage of this method is that it can be readjusted or, if it has not worked, the sutures can be removed and the original condition restored.

The session lasts about 15 minutes and is therefore shorter than a visit to the dentist.

Otherwise, there is no downtime and in the event of slight discomfort, appropriate tablets are sufficient for one or two days. In our experience, there are no complications. Possible side effects are slight difficulty swallowing and pain.

Who is best suited for the new method?

The precondition is an examination of the upper respiratory tract for other obstacles. In the case of an obstruction of the nasal air passage, this must first be remedied.

If the tonsils are too large, they must be removed. Further disabilities are a tongue base that is too large, which often occurs in obese patients. This means that overweight must be reduced.

Snorelift" only makes sense if the larynx is not tilted and is itself responsible for snoring like an organ pipe. Neurological causes are taken into consideration if the aforementioned factors have not been found to be causal.

Which category you belong to can be determined by a short examination and then decide whether this method is suitable for you.